American Idol was a huge success, so TV producers around the country are competing to come up with the next big idea. Always ready to offer unsolicited advice to the entertainment industry, Popcrazy offers up a few pop-sibilities* for the next pop-icon-driven series:
Top Pop -
This new reality show follows a group of single dads who want to be pop stars. All the single men live in a house together, with daycare provided so the hot young dads will have plenty of time to dance, rehearse and record. The panel of judges is made up of famous TV moms who will critique the finalists. Moms from around the world will not only get to vote for their favorite father but can compete for a chance to date them in our online hot dad forum.
New-os -
We all know the famous duos Sonny and Cher, Captain and Tennille, and Hall and Oates. But who's ever heard of Jackie and Sarah, George and Susan, or Polo and Linda? Our new show takes two strangers, gives them a brand new song, and rates them against other new duos, or "new-os," for the chance to win big. Each team has to work together to harmonize and compete for prizes... The next new-o could be you-o!
Mexican-American Idol -
This show takes a group of illegal immigrants and sees which one can be turned into today's biggest star. Current pop stars make guest appearances to teach them English, choreography and the hottest new songs. The one with the biggest potential to be a crossover star gets to cross over literally when he or she wins a green card in the final round.
Pop Till You Drop -
Contestants run around a store to find specific items in a scavenger hunt. When a contestant finds an item, he or she has sixty seconds to improvise a catchy pop song about that product. The most creative performer gets voted on by the studio audience. Full of opportunities for corporate sponsorship and product placement, this show is like Supermarket Sweep with singing!
Pop Cats -
Feline lovers from around the world make their cats meow to a backing track in this pop-tastic show that is part Meow-Mix jingle and part Making the Band. We see the cats get styled, declawed and outfitted in fancy collars while a professional cat choreographer teaches them to stay in step, paw to paw, tail to tail.
Pop Pups -
See above. Change all "cats" to "dogs."
--Fred Flores

*All ideas and premises presented here are property of Popcrazy. If you're interested, or want to hear more, contact us!