Secondhand Celebrity!

Elizabeth Sainz
School social worker

Celebrity Encounter: Joey McIntyre

The Encounter:
It was my birthday and some friends and I decided to celebrate by going to a karaoke night at a neighborhood bar. After we finished our pizza and a few drinks, someone yelled out, "Oh my gawd, there's little Joey McIntyre from the New Kids on the Block!" My friend introduced me to him saying that it was my birthday and that I was a huge New Kids on the Block fan. I then offered to him that I had seen NKOTB on my thirteenth birthday, that it was a really amazing coincidence. I never anticipated that the night would end in such splendor, as I will detail for you in a moment.

Joey and Elizabeth
A Photoshop reenactment of the meeting by Lisa Beebe.

How sure are you that it was actually Joey McIntyre and not just a look alike?
No one could deny his baby blue eyes and those curls and the intense Massachusetts accent.

What was he wearing?
I'm thinking he was dressed casually in a white shirt and some jeans.

How close did you get to him?
We shook hands and talked for a long time. It was crowded and loud, so we had to talk closely. I remember feeling self-conscious that I might have had garlic breath from the pizza. After an hour or two passed, he went up on stage to perform a karaoke version of "Tiny Dancer" by Elton John. He pulled me up on stage so that we could sing together. After the duet, he got down and sang to me "Happy Birthday" in front of hundreds of jealous screaming fans. He really can sing! Finally, we embraced and said good-bye.

What did he smell like?
Sweet like popsicles, salty like beer nuts.

Was he taller or shorter than you thought he'd be? He was taller than I would have originally imagined. I guess he grew to an average height in his later adolescence.

Was Joey your favorite member of New Kids on The Block? If not who was?
I always liked the Knight brothers, Jordan and Jonathan. Even though I was a minority in this, Jonathan was secretly my favorite because he was shy and sort of awkward. But I also really liked the hip Jordan with his braided rat tail.

Do you prefer young "Hangin' Tough" Joey McIntire, or the more mature "Stay the Same" Joe McIntire?
By far, I prefer the pre-pubescent stylings of Joey, especially for his "Please Don't Go Girl." I asked him to sing that song for me that night but he replied that he simply couldn't hit high notes like that anymore.

Gael Garcia Bernal What celebrity would you most like to have an encounter with?
Gael Garcia Bernal, the steamy Mexican actor with the sexy mullet from Y tu Mama Tambien (see photo at right).

How has meeting Joey McIntyre changed your life?
Since singing with Joey Mac, I constantly attempt to recreate that rush and abandon whenever I grab the mike to perform karaoke. And when I am not singing, I make sure to meticulously maintain my oral hygiene and religiously check myself so I don't speak with a Massachusetts accent.

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